
Mrs. Foster

Year 5 is a welcoming, stimulating and exciting year to be at Mary Exton! Our Year 5 teacher is Mrs Foster and she is supported by our teaching assistant Mrs Thayaparan (otherwise known as Mrs T). 


Year 5 is an exciting year at Mary Exton Primary School, a year the children all look forward to.  This is because they get to be a buddy!  They love looking after their Reception buddy and meeting up with them each Friday to support their overall learning.  This relationship benefits both children - the Reception child feels safe having a known face in KS2 whilst the Year 5 pupil gains experience of responsisbility and being a great role model.


Year 5 is also an exciting year as the children get to experience their first residential!  During the Autumn term, the children get the chance to go on their first overnight residential trip. Whilst at Burwell House, the Y5 children will become film directors as they plan and film their own TV shows, in a real studio, on the grounds of the Victorian House. During English, we explore a wide range a genres allowing ample opportunities for the children to write at length and for real purpose. We enjoy practical lessons such as science experiments, creating Egyptian jewellery and sewing our own cross-stitch Christmas ornaments. 


We hope you find our Year 5 page useful as it contains our learning for the year as well as useful links to resources and documents to support your learning at home.  If you have any questions or suggestions, remember that my door is always open!

Meet the Teacher Presentation

Burwell House Presentation


English in Year 5



Curriculum Letters and Maps

Please see below for the documents sent out to parents at the beginning of each term.  They outline the term ahead and how parents can support at home.

Autumn Term Curriculum Letter
Autumn Term Curriculum Overview
Spring Term Curriculum Letter
Spring Term Curriculum Overview
Summer Term Curriculum Letter
Summer Term Curriculum Map
Knowledge Organisers
Year 5 Autumn 1
Year 5 Autumn 2
MEPS Year 5 PE Knowledge Organiser - Football.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Computing Knowledge Organiser Unit 5.1 Coding.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Science KO - Materials.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Geography KO Autumn - Climate Zones.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 DT KO Autumn Pop Up Book.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Art Autumn KO Portraits.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 RE Knowledge Organiser - Christianity.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 PE Knowledge Organiser - Dance The Circus.pdf .pdf
Year 5 PSHE Knowledge Organiser Celebrating Difference.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Music Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2.pdf .pdf

Mrs. Foster

Year 5 is a welcoming, stimulating and exciting year to be at Mary Exton! Our Year 5 teacher is Mrs Foster and she is supported by our teaching assistant Mrs Thayaparan (otherwise known as Mrs T). 


Year 5 is an exciting year at Mary Exton Primary School, a year the children all look forward to.  This is because they get to be a buddy!  They love looking after their Reception buddy and meeting up with them each Friday to support their overall learning.  This relationship benefits both children - the Reception child feels safe having a known face in KS2 whilst the Year 5 pupil gains experience of responsisbility and being a great role model.


Year 5 is also an exciting year as the children get to experience their first residential!  During the Autumn term, the children get the chance to go on their first overnight residential trip. Whilst at Burwell House, the Y5 children will become film directors as they plan and film their own TV shows, in a real studio, on the grounds of the Victorian House. During English, we explore a wide range a genres allowing ample opportunities for the children to write at length and for real purpose. We enjoy practical lessons such as science experiments, creating Egyptian jewellery and sewing our own cross-stitch Christmas ornaments. 


We hope you find our Year 5 page useful as it contains our learning for the year as well as useful links to resources and documents to support your learning at home.  If you have any questions or suggestions, remember that my door is always open!

Meet the Teacher Presentation

Burwell House Presentation


English in Year 5



Curriculum Letters and Maps

Please see below for the documents sent out to parents at the beginning of each term.  They outline the term ahead and how parents can support at home.

Autumn Term Curriculum Letter
Autumn Term Curriculum Overview
Spring Term Curriculum Letter
Spring Term Curriculum Overview
Summer Term Curriculum Letter
Summer Term Curriculum Map
Knowledge Organisers
Year 5 Autumn 1
Year 5 Autumn 2
MEPS Year 5 PE Knowledge Organiser - Football.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Computing Knowledge Organiser Unit 5.1 Coding.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Science KO - Materials.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Geography KO Autumn - Climate Zones.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 DT KO Autumn Pop Up Book.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Art Autumn KO Portraits.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 RE Knowledge Organiser - Christianity.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 PE Knowledge Organiser - Dance The Circus.pdf .pdf
Year 5 PSHE Knowledge Organiser Celebrating Difference.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 5 Music Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2.pdf .pdf