Our Inclusion team

At Mary Exton, we believe that all children can make progress and achieve through quality first teaching. Our Inclusion Team is made up of a number of members of staff who work with the children on a daily basis.  Should you have a concern about your child in relation to SEND, in the first instance, please make an appointment with your child’s class teacher to discuss your concerns as they can make the most immediate impact. Our class teachers are always willing to hear your concerns, queries or ideas regarding SEND.

If you require further assistance or information, please contact Mrs. Chapman at senco@maryexton.herts.sch.uk or via the school office to make an appointment. Mrs. Chapman also leads regular SEN surgeries for parents to book - you can find the dates for these in the termly dates sheets which are located at Term Dates.

Mrs. Chapman  

Mrs. Vincent-Lake

Mrs. Morgan

Mrs. Day

Mrs. Chapman is our SENCO and is also our Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Lead for the school.  

Mrs. Chapman is also our Mental Health and Wellbeing leader, supported by the SLT.




Mrs. Vincent-Lake is trained in Theraplay and assists Mrs. Chapman with leading the ASD provision for the school.

Mrs. Vincent-Lake is a very experienced teacher, bringing a wealth of experience to her support groups.



Mrs. Morgan is our SEND and Pupil Premium linked Governor.  She is extremely passionate about the area and brings a lot of knowledge to this role. She also volunteers in school on a regular basis and so has begun to get to know the children in our school. 



Mrs. Day is our Mental Health and Wellbeing Governor.  As the staff governor, she plays a pivotal role in ensuring that staff and pupils mental health and wellbeing continues be a priority in the school.