Mrs. Nwamadi
Mrs. Back
Welcome to Year 3. A landmark year as you head into KS2 and begin to work towards gaining all of the knowledge and skills you will need for secondary school.
In Year 3 we have Mrs Nwamadi and Mrs Back teaching us. They are supported by Mrs Hornblow. Mrs. Nwamdi and Mrs. Back like to make our learning as interactive as possible and as Mary Exton's Art and DT lead, Mrs Back also likes to be creative with our learning.
As we head onto the KS2 playground for our break and lunchtime sessions, we also get the opportunity to start a musical instrument. Do ask in the office if this is something you would be interested in.
Something to remember in Year 3 is that we need to start bringing in our own break time snack and that during the Autumn term, we get to go swimming every Tuesday. It's great fun!
Please keep an eye on this page for updated curriculum maps and termly topics!
Meet the Teacher
English in Year 3
Recommended Reading
Please find a recommended reading list from 'The School Reading List' here. It includes some brilliant books which are age appropriate and there will be something for everyone on the list. It is important that the children read a range of genre and authors to support them with their writing for style and engagement. However, ultimately, we want our children to have a love of reading.
Maths in Year 3
Please see below for the documents sent out to parents at the beginning of each term. They outline the term ahead and how parents can support at home.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
MEPS Year 3 Music Knowledge Organiser.pdf | |||
MEPS Year 3 PE Knowledge Organiser Handball.pdf | |||
MEPS Year 3 DT Autumn Constructing a Castle.pdf | |||
MEPS Year 3 Art Autumn Prehistoric Painting.pdf | |||
MEPS Year 3 Science Rocks Knowledge Organiser.pdf | |||
MEPS Year 3 Computing - 3.1 Coding.pdf | |||
MEPS Year 3 History Autumn Stone Age to Iron Age.pdf | |||
MEPS Year 3 PSHE Knowledge Organiser Celebrating Difference.pdf | |||
MEPS Year 3 Geography Autumn - Natural Disasters.pdf | |||
MEPS Year 3 RE Knowledge Organiser Christianity.pdf |