Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 at Mary Exton Primary School.   Miss Adams is our class teacher, she is supported by our teaching assistant Mrs Bridgeman.

We cover so much in just one year so please see our termly curriculum maps for more detail but here is a summary of some of our favourite parts of Year 4:

In Year 4 English, we particularly enjoy writing spooky story settings and performance poetry where the children can regularly share their writing and give each feedback. We also work hard to earn our pen licenses!

In Maths, a large focus in placed on becoming fluent in times tables up to 12x12 to enable us to be well prepared for the Year 4 National Multiplication Tables Check which takes place in June.

In our other curriculum subjects, we enjoy developing our communication and team skills such as through handball and gymnastics in PE. We love active learning and our DT unit ‘British Seasonal Food’ allows us to practice our chopping, weighing and kitchen safety skills while working together to prepare crumbles and soups. As we journey through Year 4 our problem solving skills are put to the test in computing coding lessons and scientific enquiry lessons on electricity, sound and the digestive system.

Finally, in Year 4 children are also given the opportunity to begin weekly music lessons in Cello and Flute which our children love showing off their learning in our sharing assemblies.

Meet the Teacher

Summer Term Curriculum Letter
Summer Term Curriculum Map
Spring Term Curriculum Letter
Spring Term Curriculum Map
Autumn Term Curriculum Letter
Autumn Term Curriculum Overview
Autumn Term Homework

In the Spring Term, Year 4 enjoy a trip to North Hertfordshire Musuem to do some hands-on learning about the Anglo Saxons. Last year, we enjoyed dressing up some of our classmates in traditional clothing and learning more about Anglo Saxon life by getting to try grinding for bread. Cas, our museum tour guide, then told us an ancient Anglo Saxon story.

We then have the opportunity to look around the museum and learn about Early Medieval Hitchin and the discovery of Christian Anglo- Saxons buried near Queen Street between the seventh and tenth centuries. Did you know the new Development on this site was named Saxon Court?

We also use this trip as an opportunity to raise money for Charity by walking the 1.5 miles to the museum and back again as a sponsored walk! Last year we raised over £100 for Angels, Autism and ADHD support group!

In the Spring Term, Year 4 head to Knebworth House and gardens on an ‘Inspiring Young Writers. visit. This is a literacy themed day which offers the chance for pupils to gather ideas for story writing through exploring, active learning and imagination. The guides use the house and its objects as ‘hooks’ from which to hang stories in order to fire the imagination of our Year 4s. The children then complete their own piece of descriptive writing back at school which is based on one of the most well-known story openers in history ‘It was a dark and stormy night…’, . A story which was created by the Victorian novelist Edward Bulwer Lytton, who lived at Knebworth House.