Pupil Premium is a government funding initiative which provides support to schools for specific groups of children who are vulnerable. The additional funding is to enable these children to reach their full potential both academically and socially. On this page you will be able to explore Mary Exton Primary School's Pupil Premium Strategy, looking at how much funding is allocated to the school; what the school have spent this money on and the impact it has had on our most vulnerable pupils.
How is Pupil Premium allocated?
The fund allocated to a school is based on:
We aim to identify possible barriers to educational achievement for children eligible for Pupil Premium funding and have summarised these as:
The money is allocated to ensure children can achieve their potential academically, physically, socially and emotionally under three main areas:
In order to ensure our PPI provision is effective we closely monitor any interventions, support and strategies. We use data to inform impact and hold half termly meetings to review any targeted support. We aim to regularly review our provision including any interventions to ensure that they are relevant and purposeful for the targeted children. We will review our provision in February and June.
Quality first teaching and the planning of a relevant and exciting curriculum ensures we build the knowledge and experiences of all groups of children.
Mary Exton Primary School's Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2027
If you think that your child or children may be eligible for pupil premium funding, please do complete the form in this link. The form to check your eligibility for Pupil Premium Funding takes approximately five minutes to complete and could mean that your child will receive extra funding for the rest of their academic life. This will provide them with valuable resources to improve their progress, attainment and social skills to ensure that they achieve their potential.
If you would like help completing any of the required documentation please speak to a member of the school office team in the first instance and we will gladly support you.
Each year schools are required to state our intentions for the pupil premium spend and track the impact that this has on our pupil premium children. Please find above three year strategy for 2024-2027. This is reviewed annually.
Below you will be able to find copies of previous documents and the impact they have had.. If you wish to have a paper copy, please do speak to the office and they will be able to give you one.
Pupil Premium is a government funding initiative which provides support to schools for specific groups of children who are vulnerable. The additional funding is to enable these children to reach their full potential both academically and socially. On this page you will be able to explore Mary Exton Primary School's Pupil Premium Strategy, looking at how much funding is allocated to the school; what the school have spent this money on and the impact it has had on our most vulnerable pupils.
How is Pupil Premium allocated?
The fund allocated to a school is based on:
We aim to identify possible barriers to educational achievement for children eligible for Pupil Premium funding and have summarised these as:
The money is allocated to ensure children can achieve their potential academically, physically, socially and emotionally under three main areas:
In order to ensure our PPI provision is effective we closely monitor any interventions, support and strategies. We use data to inform impact and hold half termly meetings to review any targeted support. We aim to regularly review our provision including any interventions to ensure that they are relevant and purposeful for the targeted children. We will review our provision in February and June.
Quality first teaching and the planning of a relevant and exciting curriculum ensures we build the knowledge and experiences of all groups of children.
Mary Exton Primary School's Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2027
If you think that your child or children may be eligible for pupil premium funding, please do complete the form in this link. The form to check your eligibility for Pupil Premium Funding takes approximately five minutes to complete and could mean that your child will receive extra funding for the rest of their academic life. This will provide them with valuable resources to improve their progress, attainment and social skills to ensure that they achieve their potential.
If you would like help completing any of the required documentation please speak to a member of the school office team in the first instance and we will gladly support you.
Each year schools are required to state our intentions for the pupil premium spend and track the impact that this has on our pupil premium children. Please find above three year strategy for 2024-2027. This is reviewed annually.
Below you will be able to find copies of previous documents and the impact they have had.. If you wish to have a paper copy, please do speak to the office and they will be able to give you one.
Pupil Premium is a government funding initiative which provides support to schools for specific groups of children who are vulnerable. The additional funding is to enable these children to reach their full potential both academically and socially. On this page you will be able to explore Mary Exton Primary School's Pupil Premium Strategy, looking at how much funding is allocated to the school; what the school have spent this money on and the impact it has had on our most vulnerable pupils.
How is Pupil Premium allocated?
The fund allocated to a school is based on:
We aim to identify possible barriers to educational achievement for children eligible for Pupil Premium funding and have summarised these as:
The money is allocated to ensure children can achieve their potential academically, physically, socially and emotionally under three main areas:
In order to ensure our PPI provision is effective we closely monitor any interventions, support and strategies. We use data to inform impact and hold half termly meetings to review any targeted support. We aim to regularly review our provision including any interventions to ensure that they are relevant and purposeful for the targeted children. We will review our provision in February and June.
Quality first teaching and the planning of a relevant and exciting curriculum ensures we build the knowledge and experiences of all groups of children.
Mary Exton Primary School's Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2027
If you think that your child or children may be eligible for pupil premium funding, please do complete the form in this link. The form to check your eligibility for Pupil Premium Funding takes approximately five minutes to complete and could mean that your child will receive extra funding for the rest of their academic life. This will provide them with valuable resources to improve their progress, attainment and social skills to ensure that they achieve their potential.
If you would like help completing any of the required documentation please speak to a member of the school office team in the first instance and we will gladly support you.
Each year schools are required to state our intentions for the pupil premium spend and track the impact that this has on our pupil premium children. Please find above three year strategy for 2024-2027. This is reviewed annually.
Below you will be able to find copies of previous documents and the impact they have had.. If you wish to have a paper copy, please do speak to the office and they will be able to give you one.