As a local-authority-maintained school we are required by law to publish specific information on our website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and 2016 and other relevant legislation. The details on the information that we are required to publish can be found here.
If you cannot find any of the information we are required by law to publish, or think it may be incorrect, incomplete or out of date, then please get in touch with the school immediately so that we will correct this. The school aims to keep this information up to date, complete and fully accessible.
1. School contatct details & school day
Mary Exton Primary School
St Michaels Road
Hitchin SG4 0QA
Telephone: 01462 456997
Any queries from parents and other members of the public will be handled by our co-headteachers: Mrs Paterson. and Mrs. Clements.
Our Special Education Needs (SEN) co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Chapman. She can be contacted at
You can find out more about school opening and closing times here.
2, Admission arrangements
If you are interested in applying to be a member of our school. Please see our Admissions Page here.
3, Ofsted reports
If you would like to read our Ofsted report, you can find the document on our Results and Ofsted page here.
4. Key Stage assessment results
For an overview of the school's assessment results, please visit the Results and Ofsted page here.
5. Performance tables
The Government publish end of key stage results where comparisons can be made to other schools. To see Mary Exton's performance data, please visit their website here.
6. Curriculum
To understand more about our curriculum and visit each subject page, please visit our curriculum page here. Here you can find out more details about curriculum topics.
7. Behaviour Policy
To be able to view our behaviour policy, please visit our Policies, Forms and Instructions page here.
8. School Complaints Procedure
Our procedure to follow should you wish to make a complaint can be found on our Policies, Forms and Instructions page here.
9. Pupil Premium Strategy
Visit our Pupil Premium page to find out more about how we support our vulnerable learners, and to find our Pupil Premium Strategy and other key documents.
10. PE and Sports Premium information
All schools are given funding which is dedicated to sports. Please do read our Sports Premium 2021-2022 document. This document is updated annually and provides you with information about how we use our funding.
11. Special Educational Needs (SEN) report
We are extremely proud of our Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision. To read our SEN Information Report and other key documents please visit our Key Inclusion Information page.
12. Equality Objectives
To be able to read our equality objectives, statement and policy, please visit our Policies, Forms and Instructions page here.
13. Governors' information and duties
We are very lucky to have a committed and highly skilled Full Governing Body (FGB) to support the school. To find out more please visit their team page here.
If you wish to read more about the activities they carry out and the duties they perform, there is more information on our Governing Body page here.
14. Charging and Remissions Policy
To be able to review our charging and remissions policy, please visit our Policies, Forms and Instructions page here.
15. Statement of Values and Ethos
To read more about our values and ethos at Mary Exton Primary here.
16. Financial Information
To be able to compare the school's spending against that of others, you are able to visit the government's Financial Benchmarking tool here.
The school also has an obligation to share the number of staff who earn over £100,000. This document can be found here: Employees - gross annual salary declaration.
17. Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Policy
At Mary Exton Primary School we follow the JIGSAW PSHE scheme of work. This includes our relationship and sex education. To be able to review our relationship and sex education (RSE) policy, please visit our Policies, Forms and Instructions page here. We also deliver a parent presentation annually to share the content of each year group's curriculum as well as the way in which it is taught. This is usually delivered at the end of the spring term.
18. Uniform Policy
Presentation, including uniform, is the start of great learning behaviours, to be able to review our uniform policy, please visit our Policies, Forms and Instructions page here. If you have any questions regarding uniform, please speak to the school office.
Data Protection
We highly value and protect all of our student, parents and staff data and will update or practices and procedures to keep up-to-date with current data protection regulations.
For further information about GDPR please visit the ICO website.
We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to oversee the way the school handles data and ensure that requests for data are dealt with in accordance with GDPR.
Any subject access requests (SAR), Freedom of Information requests (FOI) and queries you have about the way in which your data is handled please contact our DPO.
Our data protection officer, Carole Connelly and she can be contacted at: