Welcome to Year 1 


Our Year 1 teacher is Miss Jones and our teaching assistant is Mrs Wallace.

Year 1 is an exciting time for our children as they begin their transition from the Early Years into more formal learning in the Key Stages.  We support this though providing daily opportunities for play-based learning in the autumn and spring term and ensure that activities are practical, engaging and build on all the wonderful learning that has taken place in Reception.

Our learning journey starts in the autumn term with securing fundamental skills developed in Reception, such as letter formation, reading and writing simple sentences, and counting and using numbers to 10 in Maths.  These skills are then embedded and developed throughout the year in preparation for Year 2.


Meet the Teacher


English in Year 1


Recommended Reading

Please find a recommended reading list from 'The School Reading List' here.  The website includes some brilliant books which are age appropriate with some for new authors and other stories you'll remember from your own childhood.  THere will be something for everyone! 

Reading in Year 1 is exciting!  The vast majority of children will be reading by the end of the year and the change is always incredible.  At this age we want to foster a love of reading and so it is important that they are enjoying the sessions with you.  Remember that they don't have to read every word - enjoy the books together.  If you have any questions on how to support your children with their reading, do see the class teacher or visit our reading curriculum page for further support.

Maths in Year 2

By the end of year 1, children begin to solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction in familiar contexts such as going shopping, using a range of hands-on equipment, symbols, images and pictures. They begin to use what they know to tackle problems that are more complex and provide simple reasons for their opinions. 

At Mary Exton we use Hertfordshire Maths Essentials to support our planning.  We make maths as practical as possible, using real life situations.  In Year 1  we focus heavily on number and place value to ensure that our children are secure in the basics.

Children will identify and represent numbers using objects, pictures and models, such as the number line, and use ‘equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most and least.’ Children will accurately count numbers to, and across, 100 forwards and backwards from any given number with increasing understanding. They count, read, write and order numbers in numerals up to 100 and from 1 to 20 in words. When given a number, they can identify one more and one less. They can count in multiples of twos, fives and tens.

Within number and place value, chidren begin calculating.  By the end of Year 1 children will understand known addition and subtraction facts within 20, including zero. They will demonstrate an understanding of multiplication and division through grouping and sharing using hands-on resources, pictorial representations and arrays (2, 5 and 10). They understand doubling and halving small quantities. 

Curriculum Letters and Maps

Please see below for the documents sent out to parents at the beginning of each term.  They outline the term ahead and how parents can support at home.

Autumn Term Curriculum Letter
Autumn Term Curriculum Overview
Spring Term Curriculum Letter
Spring Term Curriculum Overview
Summer Term Curriculum Letter
Summer Term Curriculum Map
Knowledge Organisers

Please find below our knowledge organisers for all of our foundation subjects.  Our knowledge organisers are a simple, clear guide that highlights the key vocabulary, concepts, and important information for each topic our chidlren are learning. It outlines the learning for our children so that they understand what they need to know and makes it easier for families to support their learning at home. By using the organiser, parents can see the key facts and ideas, making it easier to reinforce and discuss learning together. It’s a useful tool for both school and home, ensuring students are confident in what they’ve learned.

Year 1 Autumn 1
Year 1 Autumn 2
MEPS Art Year 1 Autumn Drawing.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 1 Computing Knowledge Organiser Unit 1.2 - Grouping and Sorting.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 1 RE Knowledge Organiser Christianity.pdf .pdf
MEPS DT Year 1 Autumn KO Puppets.pdf .pdf
MEPS Music Year 1 Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 1 Computing Knowledge Organiser Unit 1.1 - Online Safety AUS.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 1 Geography KO Our School.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 1 PE Know Organiser Wide Narrow Curled.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 1 PSHE Knowledge Organiser Celebrating Difference.pdf .pdf
MEPS Year 1 Science Materials Knowledge Organiser.pdf .pdf