Welcome to Year 2


Mrs Jones


Mrs Vincent-Lake

Welcome to our Year 2 webpage at Mary Exton Primary School.

We are really lucky to have two teachers in Year 2: Mrs. Jones (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Vincent-Lake (Thrusday and Friday) with Mrs Culligan teaching you during our PPA time.

To complete the Year 2 teaching team, we are supported by our wonderful teaching assistants Mrs Day and Mrs Bridgeman.

As Year 2 is the last year of KS1, over the course of the year we would like to encourage the children to become more independent learners. We still have lots of fun and enjoy learning actively and creatively whenever we can.  We hope that this page will give you an insight into what being in Year 2 at Mary Exton Primary School is like.

Do keep popping back as the year progresses.

Meet the Teacher


English in Year 2




Recommended Reading

Please find a recommended reading list from 'The School Reading List' here.  It includes some brilliant books which are age appropriate and there will be something for everyone on the list. It is important that the children read a range of genre and authors to support them with their writing for style and engagement.  However, ultimately, we want our children to have a love of reading.


Maths in Year 2

By the end of year 2, children will solve problems with one or a small number of simple steps. Children will discuss their understanding and begin to explain their thinking using appropriate mathematical vocabulary, hands-on resources and different ways of recording. They will ask simple questions relevant to the problem and begin to suggest ways of solving them.  

At Mary Exton we use Hertfordshire's Maths Essentials to support our planning which focuses on using practical maths wherever possible.  When teaching the teacher will model the learning, then the children will complete it together with the teacher and their peers before going on to try this independently.  

Counting and understanding numbers

Children will develop their understanding of place value of numbers to at least 100 and apply this when ordering, comparing, estimating and rounding. Children begin to understand zero as a place holder as this is the foundation for manipulating larger numbers in subsequent years. Children will count fluently forwards and backwards up to and beyond 100 in multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10 from any number. They will use hands-on resources to help them understand and apply their knowledge of place value in two digit numbers, representing the numbers in a variety of different ways. 


Children learn that addition and multiplication number sentences can be re-ordered and the answer remains the same (commutativity) such as 9+5+1= 5+1+9. They learn that this is not the case with subtraction and division. They solve a variety of problems using mental and written calculations for +, -, x, ÷ in practical contexts. These methods will include partitioning which is where the number is broken up into more manageable parts (e.g. 64 = 60 + 4 or 50 + 14), re-ordering (e.g. moving the larger number to the beginning of the number sentence when adding several small numbers) and using a number line.  Children will know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, as well as the matching division facts (4 x 5 = 20, 20 ÷ 5 = 4) and can recall them quickly and accurately. They apply their knowledge of addition and subtraction facts to 20 and can use these to work out facts up to 100.  

Curriculum Letters and Maps

Please see below for the documents sent out to parents at the beginning of each term.  They outline the term ahead and how parents can support at home.

Autumn Term Curriculum Letter
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
Spring Term Curriculum Letter
Spring Term Curriculum Map
Summer Term Curriculum Letter
Summer Term Curriculum Map

Welcome to Year 2


Mrs Jones


Mrs Vincent-Lake

Welcome to our Year 2 webpage at Mary Exton Primary School.

We are really lucky to have two teachers in Year 2: Mrs. Jones (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Vincent-Lake (Thrusday and Friday) with Mrs Culligan teaching you during our PPA time.

To complete the Year 2 teaching team, we are supported by our wonderful teaching assistants Mrs Day and Mrs Bridgeman.

As Year 2 is the last year of KS1, over the course of the year we would like to encourage the children to become more independent learners. We still have lots of fun and enjoy learning actively and creatively whenever we can.  We hope that this page will give you an insight into what being in Year 2 at Mary Exton Primary School is like.

Do keep popping back as the year progresses.

Meet the Teacher


English in Year 2




Recommended Reading

Please find a recommended reading list from 'The School Reading List' here.  It includes some brilliant books which are age appropriate and there will be something for everyone on the list. It is important that the children read a range of genre and authors to support them with their writing for style and engagement.  However, ultimately, we want our children to have a love of reading.


Maths in Year 2

By the end of year 2, children will solve problems with one or a small number of simple steps. Children will discuss their understanding and begin to explain their thinking using appropriate mathematical vocabulary, hands-on resources and different ways of recording. They will ask simple questions relevant to the problem and begin to suggest ways of solving them.  

At Mary Exton we use Hertfordshire's Maths Essentials to support our planning which focuses on using practical maths wherever possible.  When teaching the teacher will model the learning, then the children will complete it together with the teacher and their peers before going on to try this independently.  

Counting and understanding numbers

Children will develop their understanding of place value of numbers to at least 100 and apply this when ordering, comparing, estimating and rounding. Children begin to understand zero as a place holder as this is the foundation for manipulating larger numbers in subsequent years. Children will count fluently forwards and backwards up to and beyond 100 in multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10 from any number. They will use hands-on resources to help them understand and apply their knowledge of place value in two digit numbers, representing the numbers in a variety of different ways. 


Children learn that addition and multiplication number sentences can be re-ordered and the answer remains the same (commutativity) such as 9+5+1= 5+1+9. They learn that this is not the case with subtraction and division. They solve a variety of problems using mental and written calculations for +, -, x, ÷ in practical contexts. These methods will include partitioning which is where the number is broken up into more manageable parts (e.g. 64 = 60 + 4 or 50 + 14), re-ordering (e.g. moving the larger number to the beginning of the number sentence when adding several small numbers) and using a number line.  Children will know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, as well as the matching division facts (4 x 5 = 20, 20 ÷ 5 = 4) and can recall them quickly and accurately. They apply their knowledge of addition and subtraction facts to 20 and can use these to work out facts up to 100.  

Curriculum Letters and Maps

Please see below for the documents sent out to parents at the beginning of each term.  They outline the term ahead and how parents can support at home.

Autumn Term Curriculum Letter
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
Spring Term Curriculum Letter
Spring Term Curriculum Map
Summer Term Curriculum Letter
Summer Term Curriculum Map